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Monday, October 1, 2012

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Find command in solaris 10 (Eg:Find some content inside files under some directory)

Find some content inside files and it will gives the files that content is available:

# find /usr/local/etc/ -type f-exec grep -l "00:C0:89:14:9F:6C" {} \;

/usr/local/etc/ :Location that you want to dind

Use “.” To find in current directory

Eg: # find . -type f -exec grep -l "00:C0:89:14:9F:6C"{} \;

00:C0:89:14:9F:6C: The phrase that you want to find inside the file

-type type of file:
d - Directory
f - File
l - Link

# find/usr/local/etc/ -exec grep -ls 50.200.0 {} \;

Search some files that have not been accessed for a specific time period and removing those Files

     The following command is for removes all files in /home/bacup  direc-
     tory  named  my.bac  or *.log  that have not been accessed for a week:

# find /home/bacup  \( -namemy.bac -o -name '*.log' \) \  -atime +7 -exec rm {} \;

Find all text files in the /user/local directory using the command, the -print option is used to display the results to standard out.

# find /user/local -name "*.txt"-print

Find files larger than 1 Gigabyte the commaand below may be used, notice unlike Linux, (Solaris 10 does not support the M(Megabyte) or G(Gigabyte) options)
c option for bytes.

#find / -size +1000000000c –print

The -exec flag may be used to apply a command to each of the files which have been found.
 ({}) represents the name of each file found.
 (\;)end of the command.

# find /usr/local/etc/ -name "*.txt" -print -exec wc -l {} \;

Find the file named readme.txt and view the content:

#find / -name "readme.txt" -exec cat {} \;


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